How do I add custom repair option for my moving inspections on BostadsPortal?

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When using BostadsPortal's free, digital tools for creating or managing your moving inspections, there are already predefined options for actions that you can use for the issues and defects you identify.

You can always remove and add your own remedial options to your moving inspection.


How to add more repair options in BostadsPortal's moving inspection tool

  1. Go to 'Settings' on your profile and select the 'Inspection Reports' tab
    There, you will see a list of all current repair options. You cannot edit the predefined repair options.

  2. Click on '+ Add New' at the bottom of the list and press enter when you are done
    After that, these actions will appear in your moving inspections when you note defects.

You can always remove both your own and our standardized action options from the list by clicking on the trash icon to the right of the row.

If you have questions about how to report defects and damages in BostadsPortal's inspection tool, you can read more about it here.


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